Friday, February 27, 2009

Three Little Birds

Have you ever had that moment when you realize that something is a lot better than you had previously thought? I remember when my family started camping I wasn't all that crazy about it, but now that I am older and have managed to change my outlook on life, I can't think of anything that I would rather do. The reason that this hit me so suddenly is simply because of the weather. For the first time this year I have inhaled the scent of rain it's pretty amazing how many memories and emotions an odor can bring. Stay with me here. With this glorious smell I realized that even though times can be a little hectic, it is so incredible how our senses affect our emotions, and our emotions affect our actions. This takes me back to camping. When we camp, one of the most beautiful things that can happen is rain, at least in my opinion. When rain comes I can smell it and almost taste it, and when it finally cuts loose all I want to do is play in it. So, no matter what time of year it is, I can feel like I'm camping. It is in this moment that I come to realize, yet again, it is the small things that make day to day life so amazing.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life is More

Have you ever thought about what life would be like if we never thought about ourselves? Selfishness and greed are terribly disturbing and dangerous aspects of the typical human personality. The reason that I'm saying all of this is because I managed to get my hands on a copy of USA Today this morning. I read page after page and realized that roughly 80% of all of the columns and articles were about money and our countries current economic downfall. The media has become a bit of a downer to say the least. Look at where being a rich country has gotten us. When things begin to get the slightest bit difficult financially, we panic because we are short on money. I swear that I've seen people get less upset when their relatives pass away. I just wish that everyone would take just a second to think about how even though money is a little tight we are still very very rich people. Money has become so important to some that when their bank account is almost in the red, then they get worried and sometimes even sick. Tell me, if you lose your health, then what do you have? To get so upset over something so petty is disgusting. So, do yourself a favor and quit thinking that being wealthy has anything to do with your quality of life, because money is not life. Watch a sunrise or talk to a complete stranger or just tell your family that you love them, just don't make yourself a slave to something as petty as money. When you constantly spend your days pursuing financial success, you will never have money, because your money will always have you.