Thursday, May 13, 2010

Part Time Love

Every week I walk out of church feeling as though this week everything is going to be different; that no matter how difficult and frustrating life gets, I will remain slow to anger and prevent my tongue from breaking spirits.
Every week I make it roughly four and half days before all of the frustration comes out in a flurry of sarcasm and hurtful wit. At the end of those first four days I look back and think that Jesus would be satisfied with my love toward those around me. Now, at the end of the fifth day I have to sit down and really consider all of the words that I chose to use to those who frustrate, harass, and annoy me. I then think about my Jesus and what he gave so that I could live.
I would never expect to think about something so beautiful and feel so loved at a time of self disappointment, but I do. In those moments that I think that God is displeased with my behavior I realize that I am forgiven. I need His grace because I could never do anything on any day that could make Him love me less.
Whether it's Sunday and I'm singing His praises, or it's Friday and I want to strangle those around me, the truth is that God loves us the same, and knows that our hearts long for Him. As long as we are convicted and keep ourselves and our Christian siblings accountable, God will see that we crave Him.

1 comment:

  1. When Jesus was on the cross and was being mocked at....he loved....he knew that these people were ignorant in what they knew (or didn't know). He asked God to forgive them because they did not know what they were doing. And they didn't; they were hurting the creator. Most of us do this....we speak out of ignorance. We are to be more like Jesus and realize that those we become frustrated with have a lack of knowledge on how to live a joyful life in Christ; we have to forgive them because they don't know Jesus and his truths to know better. They know not what they do. We have to be teach them truth; arguing with them only hurts us.
