Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Fresh Start

It's been over a year since I last wrote in this blog. I remember when I started this online journal, I did it with the intention of writing in it every week for fifty-two weeks. We all see how that worked out. I'm writing in it again with a similar goal. This is going to be my way of expressing exactly what is happening with the thoughts in my head. This is a journal of complete honesty for anyone to read.

I was inspired to begin writing again because something happened a couple of weeks ago that changed my perspective of the power of journalism. You see, I met this girl who has become a valuable friend to me. This is how we met. I saw her one day on a break while I was at school and she looked as though her world was crashing down. Never in my life have I felt so compelled to talk to a complete stranger more than I did in that moment. So she was telling me about what was happening and how it seemed that no matter what she did, her situation would only be worse. I felt so completely broken hearted for her. So, as I went back to class I made the decision to writer her a letter.

I sat down in my chair and had a notebook and pen ready and I said a quick prayer. I asked God for the compassion and wisdom to lay down the words that she needs to see on paper. And so, I poured my heart and soul and God onto that Five-Star notebook. I finished the letter and then I came to the daunting realization that I had to give it to her. So, I decided to mail it to her anonymously, but there was only one issue, I didn't know her name. You know how you get really angry with someone, and you write one of those, "I love you, but you really have issues" letters, and shortly after writing it you just put it away and only think about sending it. I did that for two days, but I did something strange. I kept the letter in my pocket, as though it may come in handy.

Two days passed and I saw her again, even more broken hearted than in the previous forty-eight hours. So, I stopped her and found out that even more was going wrong in her life. So, I told her about the letter, and her response was completely unexpected to me. She wanted it. At that point it was as though the stars had aligned perfectly. I conveniently had my letter right there in my pocket. I gave it to her and thus a friendship was born.

Now, your probably thinking that all of this is too perfect to have actually happened. Whether you believe it or not, the point is that instead of writing letters of hate that we don't give to people because we love them, why don't we try writing letters of love to people that are hurting and broken. We have an opportunity to give the gift of sincere thoughts and put them on paper. You never know what kind of positive impact you could have on a lost soul.

That is why I'm writing in this blog again. I have a hope that someone stumbles across this blog by accident and something that is written her can have a profound effect on a life.

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