Monday, January 12, 2009

Do Bad Days Really Exist?

Don't you think its funny how we determine what is to be considered a "bad day"? Do we sit around and weigh the pros and cons of the day? This number of things went bad and that is greater than the number of things that were good. I truly do not believe that we have any idea what it means to have a "bad day". I honestly don't think that a bad day is something that truly exists. Take my day today for example. Without using details there were a lot of negative things that happened to me and I was beginning to get angry at everything. For some reason I stopped, and thought, and really asked myself, "Why are you angry?"
I realized then that if you really looked at everything that was good, and I mean the small things, then it is ever so clear that no day is ever a bad day. Think about what you have accomplished this day. You woke up, drew breath, saw the world wake up. You see, it's not about noticing the things that are easy to pay attention to, because it's always easy to dwell on the bad things that happen to us. Just take a second, and think, and maybe, just maybe you will see that today is good.

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