Thursday, January 8, 2009

Moving Forward

When I'm not at school or with the people that I love, I'm working at a local McDonald's four days a week. It gives me no pleasure to tell people that my occupation lies under the Golden Arches, but it is a job and it pays so that I can afford things. Well, I find myself working, day in, day out and I have taken the time to really think about what I'm doing at this place. I know that I have to personality to work somewhere so much better. I know that I am capable of doing any job that is placed in front of me and that I will be so much more successful than this someday. Unfortunately, I ask myself these questions on a daily basis, and for some reason I have suddenly found that this is how my life must progress.
I find myself working painfully because this is my drive. This is what gets me to school and helps me to complete my assignments. This is what is shaping me into the person that I will be. I am learning to appreciate the things that I am so fortunate to have. All of my life I have taken education, love and compassion, and even the physical condition of my body for granted. I have committed myself to struggling everyday so that there will come a point in which I won't have to struggle. This job is preparation for the rest of my life, better than high school could have taught me, and much better than anyone could have ever told me.
Hopefully someday I will be able to tell my students that life is not always easy, but me must press on if we ever want to achieve anything.
The last two years spent at my lovely, deep fried job have taught me so much about money management, time management, and overall responsibility. Even though it will be difficult for me to get out of bed tomorrow to go to work. I will shuffle my way into uniform and I will realize that this is all for a bigger purpose. Life is almost never easy, but when it's really difficult, it makes you appreciate the times in life that are so much less hectic.

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