Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Intense Like Scrabble

This last month has not been a pleasant one for me. I've found myself to be depressed and worried about the things that are beyond my control. I am progressively feeling better and it's because of my increased motivation. For the last couple of weeks I have been moping and pushing away the people that I love so much. This is not a good strategy for dealing with depression. I've come to find that taking joy in small amounts of spare time has helped me out. When I am busy is when I get upset, and I have found that taking the time to find a scripture and pray is the best way to get through this. For example, my writing today is a sign that I am getting better and I am finding ways to move forward. My activities, though not active, are quite relaxing and enjoyable. My biggest mistake has been pushing away my parents and my brother and my friends. I want all of you who read this to know that I love you, and I'm sorry. Today I realize that no matter how tough things may be and however much I don't want to spend quality time with people, quality time is exactly what I need.
Sometimes life can be about as intense as Scrabble. In your head it is excruciatingly painful and overactive, but on the outside it is almost boring to sit there and look at that board covered with horizontal and vertical words. It is tough to find a word once the board gets so full, but once you find a place and word, then the feeling is relief. That is the feeling we have when we learn how to deal with problems. Yes, it is a stretch to say that life and Scrabble have something in common, but it works in my mind, so I'm going to stick with it. Thank you all who read this blog, you are what keeps me rolling along and you help me to realize that there is nothing that I can't overcome.


  1. Wow. That's a good correlation between Scrabble and life. I've never thought of that.
    I have wondered how you've been so it's nice to read this.
    Hope that you continue to feel better. :)

  2. Oh this is Nicole...by the way.
